Boyfriend didn’t immediately realize who these two were, because they looked so much like him that you couldn’t tell at first glance. Although they say that they came only to help, but from the rhythm battle is still nowhere to go, because it is necessary to check what all the essences of Boyfriend can do. In this fashion, the following musical compositions are played: “Defender”, “Defeat” and “Finale”.
Your Boyfriend is on the right, and the whole game you will help only him. Choose the game mode, and you will plunge into a dark world where different boyfriend roles fight on the same stage. Help your hero in the performance of musical compositions. To do this, you need to prompt the notes by clicking on the arrow keys when the symbols running upwards reach the fixed identical figures. Sing cleanly, because a few misses in a row, and part of the song will be spoiled, eventually BF will lose.