FNF vs Fatboy (Cartman)

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Boyfriend and his girlfriend went to a ski resort in the mountains. On one of the snow slopes, a small, fat kid came up to Boyfriend and proudly offered him a rhythm battle. Eric Cartman is a narcissistic egomaniac and always thought he was unrivaled at anything, so he arrogantly challenged the best vocalist to a contest to the song “Fat Boy”.

Cartman is an arrogant, vulgar, narcissistic fellow. The only way to put the fat man in his place is to beat him in a rhythm battle. To do this, you have to concentrate and hold out until the last note of one song. That the song is not over before time, it is necessary to the guy in the cap hit every note of the song. To do this, click on the arrow keys when the colored arrows touch their gray twins at the top of the screen. A few mistakes in a row and Boyfriend will ruin the whole song and you’ll have to start the challenge all over again.